Tuberous Breast Correction - Dr. Dina Tarek

Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous Breast Correction is a highly skilled plastic surgery.Tuberous breasts are cone shaped due to tight fibers in the breast tissues that affect development, and are also associated with a wide chest, large spacing between the breasts, short lower pole, breast droopiness, asymmetry, and large puffy areola.

“Tubular breasts” is the name of a developmental breast condition that affects the size and shape of the breasts. Tuberous breasts are cone shaped due to tight fibers in the breast tissues that affect development, and are also associated with a wide chest, large spacing between the breasts, short lower pole, breast droopiness, asymmetry, and large puffy areola. Because the underlying anatomy of the breasts is affected differently from patient to patient, detailed analysis of the breast anatomy is important. It is also important to recognize this condition since the surgery to correct it is technically challenging and requires a high level of experience, expertise and skill.
Depending on the amount of asymmetry tuberous breast correction surgery is performed as a single surgery or as a two-staged surgery. For the majority of patients, I am able to perform tuberous breast correction as a single staged surgery and I have developed a special technique that creates a round breast shape with improved symmetry, improvement of breast droopiness, and nipple position size and shape.

This single staged procedure involves placement of a breast implant, a periareolar mastopexy, and incision of internal breast fibers that are constricting the breast. When it comes to breast implant sizing, this is something that I will review with you in great detail prior to surgery and we will do at least 2 sizing exercises where you try on in a non-padded bra to see how they look on your frame.

If you have tubular breasts it is critical to have your surgery performed by a plastic surgeon who is experienced in tubular breast correction surgery. Traditional cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation will not fully correct tubular breasts and just placing an implant will result in a double bubble or persistence of the cone shape on top of the implant.
Because each woman is unique, both physically and in terms of her desired results, it is important that we go over your options. I encourage you to bring pictures of different breast examples to your consultation, both ones you like and dislike so we can discuss your aesthetic preferences in detail and I can have a better understanding of what you hope to achieve. I will also ask you other lifestyle questions such as activities and other things that are important to you because multiple aspects of your life will affect implant choice. Based on your anatomy and aesthetic desires and a lot of communication, I will develop a customized plan for you. I also encourage my patients to reflect on the long term aspects of breast implants and lifts.
Patients should be close to their goal weight before having surgery. For best long term results it is advisable that weight is stable after surgery (without a lot of yo-yoing up and down). As I’ve mentioned before, plastic surgery is not an exact science. Every person has a unique anatomy and their own idea of what their body goals should be. This is why consultations are vital so we can work together to create the best possible plan, customized for your personal needs and goals.
I will do a detailed consultation, take a complete medical history and conduct a careful examination and develop a customized plan based on your anatomy as well as your aesthetic goals. I consider age, overall health, emotional well being, as well as expectations for surgery when evaluating a candidate for this procedure. Patients who are obese (BMI 30 or greater) or who smoke have a significantly higher risk of wound healing problems. I require patients to have stopped smoking for anywhere from 2 months to a year depending on their smoking history before having surgery. To minimize the possibility of excess bleeding, you will need to avoid taking drugs containing aspirin, anti-inflammatories, alcohol, or herbal medications two weeks before surgery. You will receive a complete list of medications to avoid and detailed instructions before surgery. I consider the preparation before surgery and your understanding of how to take care of yourself critical to having the best possible results so myself and my staff will walk you through each part of the process every step of the way.

For your comfort and safety, tuberous breast correction will be performed under general anesthesia. I believe that every part of the surgical team is essential to having a perfect and smooth surgery so every part of my extended team is focused during surgery, and pays attention to every detail. We will all ensure that as you enter the operating room and are gently placed under anesthesia you will feel relaxed and calm and excited. During the operation we will all be focused on keeping you warm, comfortable, and cared for. During the surgery, I am gentle and respectful and ensure a positive and calm environment around you. I will also place a numbing solution in your breasts so you will not feel pain even though you are under anesthesia.
Tubular breast correction surgery sometimes happens in two separate surgeries, but for most of my patients I can do it in one. The surgery may take 5 to 6 hours depending on complexity, anatomy, and incision. I will make an around the areola and then create a precise pocket for the implant. I take extreme care to be very gentle and to keep the pocket clean with little to no bleeding. Internal fibers are carefully cut and the breast tissues are shaped to make them look more round. I create and test the pocket using a temporary sizer which is a replica of the implant used for adjustments, and then when both pockets are symmetric and perfect, the entire field will be re-prepared for final implant placement. The implants will be placed using a no-touch technique. After the implants are placed, the periareolar lift will be performed where excess areola and breast skin is removed and then lifted, re-shaped, and re-sized and the breast is contoured to create a rounder, perkier shape.
The final incision closure is done precisely and meticulously to create the best possible scar. As a woman, I understand first hand how important this surgery is. I pay attention to details with every single step of this surgery.

I have developed a special technique that has minimal pain and a quick recovery. You will feel tightness and some soreness in the breast area and there will be swelling. The swelling lasts about a month for smaller implants and a little longer for larger implants. It takes a full 4-6 months for the tissues to stretch and the implants to “drop” info their final shape or position. If you do have discomfort, tylenol is usually all that’s needed. You will need to minimize arm movement for about 2 weeks and you will wear a supportive bra for 2 months after surgery. This is something we will measure and provide for you. Most of my patients feel almost back to normal at around 1 week after their tuberous breast correction surgery. Moderate exercise such as walking or stationary biking is allowed after two week. Vigorous exercise such as jogging or aerobics may be resumed in 4 weeks. You will most likely be able to return to work within a few days, but you will need to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a couple of weeks.
Scars take about 12 months to fade. You will start scar treatments around 2 weeks after surgery. I will discuss scar care in detail with you and also provide you with scar medications and products.
Tuberous breast correction is one of the most dramatic breast surgeries I perform and I consider it one of the most rewarding. There is such a significant improvement in the overall shape, nipple position and size, as well as overall proportions that the results are often truly life changing. They are also one of the most challenging aesthetic breast surgeries we perform.


Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous Breast Correction is a highly skilled plastic surgery.Tuberous breasts are cone shaped due to tight fibers in the breast tissues that affect development, and are also associated with a wide chest, large spacing between the breasts, short lower pole, breast droopiness, asymmetry, and large puffy areola.

Tuberous Breast Correction

About The Procedure

“Tubular breasts” is the name of a developmental breast condition that affects the size and shape of the breasts. Tuberous breasts are cone shaped due to tight fibers in the breast tissues that affect development, and are also associated with a wide chest, large spacing between the breasts, short lower pole, breast droopiness, asymmetry, and large puffy areola. Because the underlying anatomy of the breasts is affected differently from patient to patient, detailed analysis of the breast anatomy is important. It is also important to recognize this condition since the surgery to correct it is technically challenging and requires a high level of experience, expertise and skill.
Depending on the amount of asymmetry tuberous breast correction surgery is performed as a single surgery or as a two-staged surgery. For the majority of patients, I am able to perform tuberous breast correction as a single staged surgery and I have developed a special technique that creates a round breast shape with improved symmetry, improvement of breast droopiness, and nipple position size and shape.

This single staged procedure involves placement of a breast implant, a periareolar mastopexy, and incision of internal breast fibers that are constricting the breast. When it comes to breast implant sizing, this is something that I will review with you in great detail prior to surgery and we will do at least 2 sizing exercises where you try on in a non-padded bra to see how they look on your frame.


Tuberous Breast Correction

Good To Know Before Procedure

If you have tubular breasts it is critical to have your surgery performed by a plastic surgeon who is experienced in tubular breast correction surgery. Traditional cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation will not fully correct tubular breasts and just placing an implant will result in a double bubble or persistence of the cone shape on top of the implant.
Because each woman is unique, both physically and in terms of her desired results, it is important that we go over your options. I encourage you to bring pictures of different breast examples to your consultation, both ones you like and dislike so we can discuss your aesthetic preferences in detail and I can have a better understanding of what you hope to achieve. I will also ask you other lifestyle questions such as activities and other things that are important to you because multiple aspects of your life will affect implant choice. Based on your anatomy and aesthetic desires and a lot of communication, I will develop a customized plan for you. I also encourage my patients to reflect on the long term aspects of breast implants and lifts.
Patients should be close to their goal weight before having surgery. For best long term results it is advisable that weight is stable after surgery (without a lot of yo-yoing up and down). As I’ve mentioned before, plastic surgery is not an exact science. Every person has a unique anatomy and their own idea of what their body goals should be. This is why consultations are vital so we can work together to create the best possible plan, customized for your personal needs and goals.
I will do a detailed consultation, take a complete medical history and conduct a careful examination and develop a customized plan based on your anatomy as well as your aesthetic goals. I consider age, overall health, emotional well being, as well as expectations for surgery when evaluating a candidate for this procedure. Patients who are obese (BMI 30 or greater) or who smoke have a significantly higher risk of wound healing problems. I require patients to have stopped smoking for anywhere from 2 months to a year depending on their smoking history before having surgery. To minimize the possibility of excess bleeding, you will need to avoid taking drugs containing aspirin, anti-inflammatories, alcohol, or herbal medications two weeks before surgery. You will receive a complete list of medications to avoid and detailed instructions before surgery. I consider the preparation before surgery and your understanding of how to take care of yourself critical to having the best possible results so myself and my staff will walk you through each part of the process every step of the way.

Tuberous Breast Correction

What Happens During Procedure

For your comfort and safety, tuberous breast correction will be performed under general anesthesia. I believe that every part of the surgical team is essential to having a perfect and smooth surgery so every part of my extended team is focused during surgery, and pays attention to every detail. We will all ensure that as you enter the operating room and are gently placed under anesthesia you will feel relaxed and calm and excited. During the operation we will all be focused on keeping you warm, comfortable, and cared for. During the surgery, I am gentle and respectful and ensure a positive and calm environment around you. I will also place a numbing solution in your breasts so you will not feel pain even though you are under anesthesia.
Tubular breast correction surgery sometimes happens in two separate surgeries, but for most of my patients I can do it in one. The surgery may take 5 to 6 hours depending on complexity, anatomy, and incision. I will make an around the areola and then create a precise pocket for the implant. I take extreme care to be very gentle and to keep the pocket clean with little to no bleeding. Internal fibers are carefully cut and the breast tissues are shaped to make them look more round. I create and test the pocket using a temporary sizer which is a replica of the implant used for adjustments, and then when both pockets are symmetric and perfect, the entire field will be re-prepared for final implant placement. The implants will be placed using a no-touch technique. After the implants are placed, the periareolar lift will be performed where excess areola and breast skin is removed and then lifted, re-shaped, and re-sized and the breast is contoured to create a rounder, perkier shape.
The final incision closure is done precisely and meticulously to create the best possible scar. As a woman, I understand first hand how important this surgery is. I pay attention to details with every single step of this surgery.

Tuberous Breast Correction

Recovery & Results: What to Expect

I have developed a special technique that has minimal pain and a quick recovery. You will feel tightness and some soreness in the breast area and there will be swelling. The swelling lasts about a month for smaller implants and a little longer for larger implants. It takes a full 4-6 months for the tissues to stretch and the implants to “drop” info their final shape or position. If you do have discomfort, tylenol is usually all that’s needed. You will need to minimize arm movement for about 2 weeks and you will wear a supportive bra for 2 months after surgery. This is something we will measure and provide for you. Most of my patients feel almost back to normal at around 1 week after their tuberous breast correction surgery. Moderate exercise such as walking or stationary biking is allowed after two week. Vigorous exercise such as jogging or aerobics may be resumed in 4 weeks. You will most likely be able to return to work within a few days, but you will need to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a couple of weeks.
Scars take about 12 months to fade. You will start scar treatments around 2 weeks after surgery. I will discuss scar care in detail with you and also provide you with scar medications and products.
Tuberous breast correction is one of the most dramatic breast surgeries I perform and I consider it one of the most rewarding. There is such a significant improvement in the overall shape, nipple position and size, as well as overall proportions that the results are often truly life changing. They are also one of the most challenging aesthetic breast surgeries we perform.

2021© All rights reserved by Dr.Dina Tarek

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